Sunday, July 18, 2010


Falling behind on my work. Left Phnom Penh for a 7 hours road trip to SIEM REAP, about 310 km. Thought my luck was holding out so far but no luck here. We stopped at a pre arranged lunch spot, half way during lunch I find a dead fly under a piece of carrot. Should've seen the writing on the wall. I obviously elected to not finish my meal. We headed out, about an hour outside of SIEM REAP we stopped at a famous location I've seen on Discovery Channel noted for it's fried tarantulas, crickets, and scorpions. No big deal as I had an order of tarantula's as an appetizer at a local restaurant the night before. When we left somebody passed a bag of dried banana chips and other assorted tidbits around of which I had to sample, BIG MISTAKE! Later, as I should have known(Can you spell ServSafe instructor) when we arrived at the 5 Star hotel ANGKOR, I was feeling a little uneasy, thinking that the long drive kicked my butt! Brian and I checked in to our room, we both showered and went down to the restaurant to meet everyone for dinner, when I sat down, my stomach started to churn, so I excused myself went back to the room and proceeded to chunk in a way I've not done since my college day's. Within an hour, chills, headache, more chunk, you know what I mean. The dreaded term "Food Poisoning" Long story short, Veronica, Mike and Brian, God bless their collective souls were on it. Started with a call to the kitchen for a cup of fresh ginger tea, major meds, and, my new goddess Veronica a Vietnamese pressure point massage with Tiger Balm, HEAVEN! Sleep was intermittent, with chill's, fever, stiff joints all night, it was miserable. Bye morning I was feeling fairly well when Brian ordered a bowl of rice pourage, straight rice and hot water, from the kitchen that I ate reluctantly, but what a difference. I obviously opted out of the days field trip, and slept all day. The guy's checked on me periodically during the day. When they returned late this afternoon I was 80%, I met them for lunch, had a little soup and local tea, decided to stay in the rest of the day and work. I'm 90% now, have to be ready for tomorrow, we have a 4:30am pick-up.
Lots more to write, want to tell you about the kids in Chau Doc, Mekong Delta.

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